Sunday, August 4, 2013


Stop-before you throw that item away-think...Could it be recycled? Could someone else use it? Would a local charity be interested in the item? Could I make it in to something else? It might take a little extra effort-but you might be able to re-vision an article to give it a second life. For Kids Go Green camp we collected items that people might not need any longer. We advertised to family and friends and needed a certain number of each item. Some of the thinge we re-visioned include: 30 pairs of jeans, 285 soda pull tabs, 120 juice pouches, 15 mens ties, 15 discarded books, scrap material, buttons, a huge pile of catalogs and magazines and so much more. It got a little messy and my house was a little cluttered at times. Most items needed to be modified or cleaned before they could be used. It took so much longer than I ever estimated to get the supplies ready for camp-but it was so worth it. I had searched the Internet in Google images, Family Fun Magazine, on Etsy and also on Pinterest for ideas-but the reality was trying to make each craft and modifying them for the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders that will be at camp. Below is a new life for some discarded library books. My mother is a former librarian-and even she is happy with these new hiding places for treasures. Some of these books contain outdated information, some are damaged and some have never been touched. We used the paper "middles" for another craft later in the week. So look before you toss-especially when you are out. If you have something that can be recycled-but there is only trash when you are out-take it home with you and put it in the correct spot to get a new life.

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